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District Speech 3/20/20

February 27, 2020

March 16th, 2020 @ 10:00 am CT


To: Activities Directors and Speech Coaches: Crawford, Creek Valley, Garden County, Leyton, Minatare, Paxton, South Platte, Wallace, Wauneta-Palisade 


Awards: *A Championship plaque and a runner-up plaque will be awarded to the top schools at each district contest. 

*Individual medals will be presented to the finalists in each event. The top three performances in each event will advance to state.

*Individual and Group Superior Certificates can be downloaded from the Speech


Valuables: The Vintage gym will be set up as a home base for students when they are not performing. Please keep track of your valuables. We will not be held responsible. There will be no locker rooms available for student use.


District D1-6 Tentative Schedule

*Schedule is subject to change based on the number of entries received for each event.

Flight A

Extemporaneous Draw



Serious Prose

Duet Acting

Oral Interpretation of Drama

Flight B



Humorous Prose


8:30-9:00 Registration by the Main Office

9:30 Coaches and Judges meeting in the Hospitality Room- (#114)

Preliminary Rounds

10:00- Round 1: Flight A

10:45- Round 1: Flight B

12:00- Round 2: Flight A

12:45- Round 2: Flight B

Final Rounds

1:00- Extemp Draw Finals

2:00- Flight 1 Finals

2:45- Flight 2 Finals

4:00- Award Ceremony- Vintage Gymnasium

All times are Central Standard

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