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2020 RPAC Speech @ Cambridge 2/19/20

January 16, 2020

This year the 2020 RPAC Speech Contest will be held:
Date: Wednesday, February 19th
Site: Cambridge High School
Registration: 8:00 am (Central Time)
Coaches & Judges Meeting: 8:30 am (Central Time)
Start Time of Contest: 9:00 am (Central Time)
Awards: 4:45 pm (Central Time) or ASAP

DEADLINE FOR ENTRIES: Monday, February 10th.

As per conference and district guidelines, each school is limited to two entries in each event.
(Individual events, OID, and Duet Acting)
Schools in Class C are limited to speakers participating in two different events. (Southern
Valley, Maxwell, Cambridge, Dundy County-Stratton, Alma, Hitchcock County, and Arapahoe)
As approved at our meeting this fall (in accordance with district guidelines), Class D schools
(ONLY) have the option of entering a speaker in three events. (Southwest, Paxton, Bertrand,
Wauneta-Palisade, Wallace, Maywood, Medicine Valley, and Hayes Center)