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Wauneta-Palisade Schools

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Books on the Bus

November 02, 2016

Wauneta-Palisade Schools is teaming with the Wauneta Public Library to bring "Books on the Bus" to the WP K-4 Shuttle Bus. 

In the spring of 2016, Wauneta Public Library Board President Jan Coone was scanning the internet for library ideas for children. She came across a program in Wisconsin that caught her eye, and starting planning with Joyce Bley, Jan Gerih, and Ruth Hohl at the library, and with Mr. Randy Geier and Kenny Lawless at the school.

The team came up with a program that they call "Books on the Bus." About 130 books, donated from the public library, from A-Z Books in North Platte, from the Nebraska Library Commission and from private donors, ride in a crate in the shuttle bus when WP students make the commute between Wauneta and Palisade twice each day. Each book is marked with a sticker that reads, "Take a book, Read a book, Take good care of the book, Bring the book back for someone else to read, The book goes round & round & round!"

Now WP students don't "waste time" on the bus to and from school each day, but can supplement their reading practice and get lost in a great story at the same time.